
Graduate Assistantship (Ph.D.) in forest restoration at Texas Tech University, USA

The Department of Natural Resources Management at Texas Tech University is seeking a highly motivated, talented and hard-working graduate student (Ph.D.).  

The field research portions of their dissertation will be conducted in north-central New Mexico in collaboration with faculty and students with the New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit.  

The selected student will be expected to develop and focus their dissertation research on elk ecology, within already existing larger project goals of the influence of large-scale forest restoration treatments on vegetation and elk resource selection, space use and foraging ecology.  

The selected student will begin the graduate program in the Department of Natural Resources Management at Texas Tech University for the Fall 2015 semester.  The Ph.D. graduate stipend will be ~$20,000/year and will include insurance and out-of-state tuition waiver.

Candidates must have a M.S. degree in Wildlife Ecology or a related field, a GPA: 3.3, competitive GRE scores (300 verbal + quantitative), and a valid U.S driver’s license.  

Prior experience conducting field research on large mammals, collecting vegetation data, and working in remote locations and experience with radio telemetry is preferred.  

Use of GIS technology and geospatial analyses experience is also preferred.  Field work will require hiking 3-6 miles/day over rough terrain and occasional camping in the backcountry.  The selected student will be required to present research results at professional conferences, publish research results in peer-reviewed scientific publications, and assist with preparation of project reports and grant proposals.

How to apply?
To apply, please email a single PDF file that includes a letter of interest describing your (a) interest and experience as it relates to this project and (b) reason(s) for pursuing a Ph.D.; a current curriculum vitae; transcripts (unofficial); GRE scores (unofficial), and names and contact information of 3 references to Dr. Warren Conway (Texas Tech University) warren.conway@ttu.edu and Dr. Jimmy Cain (New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit) jwcain@nmsu.edu.

Review of applications will begin 1 February and will continue until a suitable candidate is found. 

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