
PhD positions at The University of Canterbury (UC)

The University of Canterbury (UC) offers a number of scholarships for study towards a PhD degree or for the thesis year of a Masters degree. There is strong competition for these scholarships and application must have gained at least a first class honours degree, or the equivalent, for it to be worth applying.

To be considered for a University of Canterbury Master or Doctoral scholarship, in addition to submitting a scholarship application form, a complete application for admission should be made before or at the same time as the scholarship application is made. If admission has not been approved by prescribed dates, the scholarship application will not be considered.

http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/intstud/admiss/ <http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/intstud/admiss/>

University of Canterbury Doctoral Scholarships
University of Canterbury Doctoral Scholarships are tenable for full-time study or part-time study towards the PhD degree at the University of Canterbury. Both domestic and international students are eligible.

Applicants are also considered for the following prestigious scholarships: Brownlie Scholarship; Roper Scholarship; Canterbury Scholarship (domestic students); and/or UC International Doctoral Scholarships (international students). No separate application is required.

Students from any disciplines may apply. A small number of Doctoral scholarships are reserved for certain colleges/ faculties: Business and Economics; Creative Arts; Education; and Law. Applications for the reserved scholarships are made on the standard application form.

Tenure: 3 Years
Closing Date: 15 October, 15 May
Regulations: University of Canterbury Doctoral Scholarships full regulations (PDF, 36KB) <http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/scholarships/regulations/uc_doctoral.pdf>
Apply: Please note that application forms are only available from 6-8 weeks ahead of the closing date. Application Form (Word, 197KB). Submit applications to the Scholarships Office

University of Canterbury International Doctoral Scholarship
This scholarship, tenable for study towards a degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Canterbury, was established in 2006 to provide support for international students with high academic achievement. Up to five awards are offered each year to the top International students applying for the University of Canterbury Doctoral Scholarships.

Eligibility: International student (NZ citizen and permanent residents are not eligible to apply). Meet the academic requirements for enrolment in a PhD Undertaking or planning to undertake full-time study

Tenure: Up to 3 years
Closing Date: 15 October; 15 May
Regulations: University of Canterbury International Doctoral Scholarship full regulations (PDF, 16KB) <http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/scholarships/regulations/uc_intl_doctoral.pdf>
Apply: Apply on UC Doctoral application form <http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/scholarships/ucschols/uc_doctoral.shtml>

For more details:

http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/find/jobs/www?irn=71889 <http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/find/jobs/www?irn=71889>

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