
Graduate Research Assistantships In Shrubland Ecology, Plant Invasions, or T&E Plant & Wildlife Habitat Management

The University of Wyoming Department of Renewable Resources offers degrees in Rangeland Ecology & Watershed Management, Soils, Entomology,(with options in Restoration or Watersheds) and a doctoral Program in Ecology. I continuously consider applicants who send their materials directly to me as projects become available.
Shrubland Ecology: We are conducting a variety of projects in shubland ecosystems targeting habitat monitoring and manipulations to enhance revegetation, discourage invasive species encroachment and favor ecosystem function
Invasion Ecology: Graduate research assistantship to investigate exotic species encroachment into native populations in the Northern Great Plains and the Intermountain West. Students with interest in plant evolution are preferred.
T&E Species: Graduate research assistantship (M.S. or Ph.D.) to investigate vegetation management to favor native populations of T&E species including Colorado Butterfly Plant, Prebles Jumping Mouse or Greater Sage Grouse. We are currently conducting a variety of habitat manipulation and revegetation projects in different areas for these targeted species.
In all cases, applicants are expected to: be energetic, highly motivated, capable of pursuing innovative research questions. Successful students must be physically able and willing to work for extended periods under extreme isolated, field and greenhouse conditions, take initiative, be meticulous in record-keeping, drive standard transmission 4-wheel vehicles, possess a valid driver's license and demonstrate strong team spirit and excellent verbal and written communication skills. . Preferred skills: experience in identification of grassland and shrubland species of the Intermountain West, knowledge of vegetative monitoring techniques, familiarity with GPS, GIS, and ecological site descriptions.
To apply, SEND: 1) a resume, 2) GRE scores, 3) copies of transcripts and 4) answers to "Questions for prospective grad students" directly to:
Dr. Ann Hild
Department of Renewable Resources-
University of Wyoming,
Dept. 3354
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071 or via email at annhild@uwyo.edu.

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